The government today (24th April) issued new guidelines for sport and recreation, specifically establishing scenarios at Alert Level 3 for non-contact sports such as Golf, Tennis and Bowls.
Bowls New Zealand continues to support the majority of bowling clubs who will remain fully CLOSED during Alert Level 3, preferring instead to prepare the club greens and facilities for a return to bowls at Alert Level Two.
However there may be a number of bowling clubs that wish to offer a LOW RISK option for their membership, as indicated by the government and Sport NZ today.
For these clubs, Bowls New Zealand have updated the Covid-19 Guidelines for Alert Level 3 (attached). These guidelines contain the following measures for bowlers and bowling clubs at Alert Level 3:
- Practice bowls (single person or within bubble) ONLY
- No use of bowling club mats or jacks
- All clubrooms/toilets will be closed
- Any person using the club green must email the club advising of their time/date of use, in ADVANCE
- Bowlers should take sanitising wipes with them to wipe down gate entry, seats etc.
- No water fountains should be available/used
- Do not arrange to meet fellow club members at the green
- Keep physical distancing of two metres
- Check first that your club greens are open – they may require maintenance and/or the club has made them off-limits
- All club staff and/or volunteers should work from home with the exception of Greenkeepers (see Bowls NZ website for Greenkeeper guidelines)
Our expectation is that most bowing clubs will be CLOSED during Alert Level 3. Our main reason for this is that the demographic of bowling club membership (older generation and those with health issues) are in Covid-19 high-risk groups.
Like all of our clubs and players, we look forward to being able to resume bowls activity as soon as possible but are also conscious of the need for caution.
If you strongly believe your club can operate safely at Alert level 3, then please ensure the above and attached guidelines are strictly followed.
If, like the majority of bowlers, you can wait another couple of weeks until Alert Level 2, then you have the support of Bowls New Zealand.
Stay safe everyone.