Try bowls this summer!

Bowling clubs across Auckland open their doors and greens to people across their community to come along and roll up!

Whether you’ve played before or not – having a roll up is a way for you to try bowls this summer! 

Bowls is the perfect game for anyone – it’s easy to learn, fun and sociable.  You and your friends or even the whole family can enjoy it.

Clubs are the heart of their community; you don’t need to go far to find one.

Check out the listings below and get along and have a roll-up with Twilight Bowls – who knows you could get hooked!

Auckland Bowling Club
FNo. of weeks: 4
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: 5 March - 26 March
Time: 6pm - 8pm
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $300 per team (includes catered dinner)
Blockhouse Bay Bowls
No. of weeks: 6
Day: Thursdays
Dates: 13 February - 20 March
Time: Register at 5pm for 6pm start
No. of players: Teams of 3 or individually
Cost: $15 pp per week (includes a light meal)
Bridge Park Bowling Club
No. of weeks:
Days: Fridays
Dates: 13 February
Time: 6pm
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $150 per team

Glendowie Bowling Club
No. of weeks: 7
Day: Mondays
Dates: 10 February – 24 March
Time: 6pm – 7pm
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $25 pp per week
Glen Eden Bowling Club
No. of weeks: 6
Day: Thursdays
Dates: 13 February – 20 March
Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $180 per team for six weeks (includes BBQ)
Howick Bowling Club
No. of weeks: 6
Day: Thursdays
Dates: 13 February – 20 March
Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
No. of players: Teams of 3

Mt Albert Bowling Club
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
No. of weeks: 4
Day: Wednesday
Dates: When: 6 November – 27 November
Time: 6pm
Teams of 2
Cost: $15 pp or $50 for 4 weeks
Mt Eden Bowls
No. of weeks: 4
Day: Thursdays
Dates: 13 March - 3 April
Time: 6pm - 8.30pm
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $240 per team for the series or $20 pp per night (includes free supper)
Mt Wellington Bowls
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: 8 February
Time: 5pm registration for 6pm start
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $10 pp
Oratia Bowling Club
Six week series - Wednesdays
When: 26 February - 2 April
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Teams of 3
Cost: $30 pp
Pakuranga Bowling Club
Six week series - Wednesdays
When: 5 February - 12 March
Time: 6pm
Teams of 3
Cost: $20 pp, $10 for kids
(includes complimentary roll, side of fries and one beverage)
Pt Chevalier Bowling Club
Six week series - Wednesdays
When: 12 February - 19 March
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Teams of 3
Cost: $30 pp per week or $270 per team for the six weeks
Click here to register
Rocky Nook Bowls
No. of weeks: 1 Twilight Bowls3Five Mini Raumati 2025
Date: Thursday, 13 March
Time: 6pm start, 8pm prize-giving
Format: 3 games of 5 ends against 3 different teams
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $20 pp
Royal Oak Bowls
No. of weeks: 8
Day: Every second Wednesday
Dates: 22 January – 14 May
Time: 6.00 pm start (register by Tuesday, the day before)
No. of players: 2 or individually
Cost: $35 per person (includes burger and chips)

St Heliers Bowling Club
No. of weeks: 6
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: 15 January – 26 February
Times: 5pm for 6pm start
No. of players: Team of 3
Cost: $180 per team
Waiheke Bowling Club
No. of weeks: 5
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: 12 February – 12 March
Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm
No. of players: Teams of 3
Cost: $40 pp per week 


Bowls only takes minutes to learn the basics but beware it will challenge you!


Bowls is cheaper to play or join a club than a lot of other sports, plus food & drink are at cost-friendly prices!


You don’t need to be a sports jock to play – bowls is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, cultural background or ability.


You just need flat-soled shoes, as clubs will loan bowls to social & new players.