Spot the Difference: Les’s Molecheck story!
27 September 2024

Les Eagleton, well-known in the bowls community, shares her experience with the Molecheck service offered through the Bowls Auckland partnership. Having had several skin cancers removed in the past, Les didn’t hesitate to take advantage of the discounted mole check and discovered it was the right decision for her health.

“I arranged an appointment, and the results were as expected. I had several skin cancer spots that required treatment with a cream over several weeks. That part was easy,” said Les.

During the check-up, the doctor at Molecheck identified a small spot on her eyelid, which both her doctor and optometrist had previously dismissed as harmless. Molecheck, however, took it seriously, giving it a Priority 1 status and referring Les to a skin specialist within three weeks. To her relief, it turned out to be non-cancerous, but it could have been far worse without their prompt action.

“We’re in the sun constantly, and while I take precautions, I admit I’m not always vigilant enough,” Les says. She now encourages all fellow bowlers to take advantage of the partnership discount. “Better safe than sorry,” she adds, promising to keep up with regular skin checks moving forward.

One of the advantages of Molecheck, Les notes, is that you’re seen by an expert skin cancer doctor, not just a technician. This ensures timely and accurate treatment plans. For bowlers, prompt diagnosis is essential, given the time we spend under the sun.

Through this partnership, Molecheck offers a 23% discount on full mole checks for all Bowls Auckland club members. Booking is simple—either visit or call 0800 MOLECHECK.

Stay sun-safe and check your skin today!